
IGBO - "ThunderLove" パリッとした食感のファンクグループ

IGBO - "ThunderLove" Music Video
IGBO - "The Foundation" Acoustic

Porches - "Car" 変態じみた軟弱さ

Porches - "Car"

Soleima - Wasted 声がバカっぽかわいい

Soleima - Wasted

The Walters - "I Love You So" 薄毛にやさしいバンド

The Walters - "I Love You So" [Official Video]

The Walters - "Hunk Beach" [Official Video]

soundcloud | facebook

The Ready Set - Fire in the Sky 二番煎じ感を払拭したいバンド

The Ready Set - Fire in the Sky

Official Website | facebook | twitter
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